Thursday, January 27, 2022

Homeowners Association Lawyer Services

A Castle Rock, Colorado resident, Jerry Cardwell graduated from Drake University Law School. Jerry Cardwell has owned and operated Cardwell & Associates since 1990. As an attorney, he specializes in homeowners association law and contributed to its growth in Colorado

Homeowners associations resemble organizations that establish rules that the rest of the communities must follow to live in harmony. HOA is a branch of property law that many lawyers can practice with interest in as it only requires knowledge about property law and governing contracts.

Homeowners association attorneys represent board members in the association and community residents. They contribute to rules created by the association as they advise board members with property right matters and contracts. They have to make sure that all the rules created are compliant with the government laws.

They also advise residents in a community about their rights and what they can and cannot do. Typically, they search to fix problems without trials or lawsuits as they contact residents who violate any rules and work with them to develop a beneficial solution.

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Having studied law at Dean University Law School, Jerry Cardwell serves as the attorney for Cardwell & Associates, a law firm in Denver...